Jayco refrigerator manual
Jayco refrigerator manual

jayco refrigerator manual

8 Chapter 3 Operating and Using Your Motorhome. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction To RV Ownership. Membership Dues: (One year rate $20.00) Two years: Name:Īges of Children at Home: Our JAYCO is a: We’re ready to roll to where the “friends we just haven’t met yet” have the coffee on the fire and are waiting for us to arrive: We are. " TO: Membership Director, International Jayco Jafari Please enroll us as members in the International. just complete the application and forward it to the JAFARI INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL CLUB OFFICE. Start with the first phase of your camping life. PLUS, the joy of meeting new friends and enjoying Jaytrek Adventures around the country.

jayco refrigerator manual

SPECIAL PRICES on Wheeler’s Guide, Woodall’s Campground Directory and the Rand McNally road atlas. DISCOUNT PRICES on Trailer Life and Motorhome camping magazines. DISCOUNT CARDS for several national theme parks including, Sea World, King’s Dominion, Silver Dollar City, Adventureland Park and Six Flags. REGISTERED KEY RING, so if your keys are lost, they can be returned to the International Office and then returned to you. YOU WILL NEVER BE SORRY YOU MADE THE DECISION In addition to the special International decals for your unit, distinctive patches, the HITCH newsletter with schedules of upcoming events and activities, your membership entitles you to the following special benefits: MEMBERSHIP ROSTER containing the names and addresses of current members of the club. it doesn’t matter, if you are a JAYCO FAMILY, then you are eligible to become a JAFARI MEMBER. meet new friends and spend a bit of your camping life with some of the finest people you will ever have the opportunity to share a campfire or treasure a moment of golden living with. Whether you belong to another camping club, have always traveled alone, or are just starting, don’t miss out on one of the most priceless benefits of being an RV family. Yes, it’s for everyone with a JAYCO young couples just starting out, families spending quality time together, the young at heart expanding their life experiences. Box 192 Osceola, IN 46561-0192 ATTN: Membership Director THE INTERNATIONAL JAYCO JAFARI TRAVEL CLUB Fill in the blanks on the reverse side, cut along dotted line and mail along with a check to: These and many other adventures can be yours when you join. how about the exotic surroundings of NEW ORLEANS, the sounds and color of NASHVILLE and the GRAND OLE OPRY, the mystery of MEXICO., the roar and rush of the INDIANAPOLIS 500, the quiet surroundings of the CANADIAN ROCKIES, the color of the SMOKY MOUNTAINS in the Fall. fun, games, and entertainment provide memories to last a lifetime.

jayco refrigerator manual

WE’RE THE FAMILIES OF JAYCO! There are special STATE, REGIONAL and INTERNATIONAL RALLIES where you can join with your fellow JAFARIANS and their flights to enjoy a special kind of togetherness. INTERNATIONAL JAYCO JAFARI TRAVEL CLUB You will find us enjoying the friendship and fellowship of JAFARI CAMPING as we join our local area FLIGHTS at hundreds of weekend camp-outs all over North America each month. YOUR NEW JAYCO IS YOUR PASSPORT TO A WHOLE WORLD OF NEW FRIENDS CAMPING FUN AND TRAVEL ADVENTURE WHEN YOU JOIN THE THOUSANDS OF JAYCO FAMILIES WHO MAKE UP THE. In addition, the owner should refer to individual manufacturer’s operating instructions contained in the owner’s packet.


Instructions are included in the manual for operating various components which are optional on some vehicles. The owner should review Jayco’s limited warranty and the limited warranties of all other manufacturers offering them that are applicable to this vehicle. The owner’s failure to provide required service and/or maintenance could result in the loss of warranty. is as set forth in the limited warranty applicable to this vehicle. Nothing in this manual creates any warranty, either expressed or implied. for the sole purpose of providing instructions concerning the operation and maintenance of this vehicle and its components. This manual has been provided by Jayco, Inc. WARNING: Read all instructions in manual before using your camper.

Jayco refrigerator manual